We are a collection of code clubs around multiple campuses at CSU who gather around the shared tasks of general coding, analysis techniques in our field, and the spirit of collaboration!

To have your CSU code club listed below, please complete the code clubs form, and to learn more about establishing your own coding club, see the coding communities guidance.

Main campus July 2024
Foothills campus R Plotting workshop
Attendees at the R plotting workshop at foothills campus (July 2024).
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CMB Code Club Fall Semester 2024 Schedule

Main CampusFoothills Campus
Wednesday, 1pm-3pm. Biology 200
Not scheduled but will be at CVID.

Want help with a computational biology topic? We got that!

Our mission statement is to share expertise in the areas of coding, analysis, and visualization.

Frequent topics of discussion and consultation:

A volcano plot is a common visualization of differentially expressed genes.    Next Generation Sequencing analysis, workflows, software installation.

DSRI Riviera node picture High-throughput computing on Alpine or Riviera (or elsewhere…)

R statistical software icon   R analysis and plotting

python language icon  General python. Most of us are frequent python coders!

 See our resources!

Topics to get help on:

  • Python
  • R
  • DSCI 500 module courses
  • Alpine and Riviera HPC
  • General Bioinformatics
  • Data Visualization

Join the listserve to get announcements!

Vignettes | Tutorials | Resources

Who we are:


Dr. David C. King – Organizer of the code club who specializes in R, python, data visualization, HPC and plenty of other topics.

DSCI 500 series professors

Dr. Erin Nishimura for Linux as a Computational Platform and RNA-seq analysis (DSCI 510, DSCI512) and Dr. Tai Montgomery for Python and Bioinformatics (DSCI 511, BZ 360).

Regular members from the qCMB program (quantitative Cell and Molecular Biology) and beyond

Kira Vasquez-Kapit, Connor King, Jacob Lamb, and others!